Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lab Testing Solutions + Risk Mitigation + Security = Operational Excellence

What is the difference between managing a business and growing a business?  We want to help you stay operationally efficient and provide a team of savvy business-minded individuals.  Our group is held together by local insurance partners and the ancillary team of Lab Testing Solutions. We have forged a synergistic approach to enhance or amplify your insurance needs in a cost-efficient method.  Below is a brief synopsis of each three sectors of business services that will help you run your business, and allocate more time for you to grow your business revenues.

Insurance companies have a wide-range of products that encompass commercial, personal, and health.  Our partners/affiliates have been known to offer such value-oriented service on the business end, that employees have sought them for their personal needs and they were amazed by how much of their current policy was undervalued and overrated.  With that said, we focus on providing stellar service to our commercial clients to make sure their business runs as smooth as possible by honing in on areas that can offer savings and at the same time allocate those resources towards amplifying their peace of mind.

Security companies are able to reduce insurance premiums via surveillance systems that enable owners to remotely view current conditions of their business, track POS transactions to avoid dishonesty, and provide that visual evidence that so many business owners seek; especially law enforcement who are able to perform faster when a confirmed incident does take  place.  After a full analysis, savings from insurance premiums (usually 3%) are offset by adding a surveillance system.  Another win-win situation where the innate values of a superb security system was essentially free for the business owner and operational efficiency is achieved.  There is no price for peace of mind...

Just as risky as not knowing what is happening at a business site, the people who work there can also be a liability when not treated as an asset.  Through Lab Testing Solutions , we are able to provide Drug Free Workplace certification which guarantees a 7.5% discount on worker's compensation insurance premiums in GA.  The basic premise is you are entrusting your business to your people, who are responsible for those around them, who also serve your clients or customers.  Lab Testing Solutions enhances the necessary precautions any business owner should take by screening new hires and maintaining standards of excellence.  As contracted providers for LabCorp, Quest Diagnostics, MedTox, Redwood, and Advanced Toxicology Network, Lab Testing Solutions has offered their clients a way to save nearly 70% on downtime and 15% on testing costs so that companies and their respective HR personnel can focus on the growth of the business internally (especially on-boarding procedures) as well as from a revenue standpoint.  It's a digital age and we want to bring it to you.

As we grow our client base, we always remember that we are in business to keep the small business successful.  We understand the viability of teamwork even as B2B or B2C providers, and this synergy of companies will only grow as we introduce future companies - such as OSHA compliance training.

Updates as of April:
1) New Apple and Android apps will let you place drug test orders
2) LTS is working on a cloud based system which will combine ALL services: drug testing, background checks, random pooling, etc.  Like a personalized Amazon experience.
3) New office to open in Marietta
4) New Program for local Attorney's
5) FREE drug testing kits to all concerned parents.  It is our social responsibility to spread the awareness.

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